MINI 360° FAQs.

MINI Comparison - 360 vs Standard

Based on the customer’s preference of car, term and annual mileage, a pre-defined grid is used to calculate the assured buyback value which is calculated on ex-showroom price.

MINI 360˚ program assures complete peace of mind with four flexible options at the end of term.

  1. Upgrade: Customer can choose to trade in his existing car with our dealership to settle the balloon and start driving a new MINI.
  2. Retain: Customer can retain the car by paying the assured buyback / balloon value either in lump sum or by getting it refinanced through BMW Financial Services.
  3. Return: Customer can choose to return the car to the dealership and will have no further liability if the car meets required mileage and wear and tear conditions.
  4. Refinance: Customer can choose to refinance the final amount up to a period of 4 years.

In case of accidental damage, repair can be covered as per the customer’s insurance policy. This will be governed as per the wear and tear guide, the customer either will repair and bring the car back in returnable condition or will be charged for excess wear and tear. The vehicle must not have undergone any structural damage/s.

The process for end of term starts 90 days prior to contract end date, wherein the customer is required to inform dealership about his decision to return the car at least 90 days prior to end of term and furnish the car at dealership at least 45 days before the end of term for inspection. Post inspection dealership will raise an invoice for excess mileage and wear and tear (if any). The customer will be required to make the above payment and return the car in agreed condition to the dealership on or before the last day of contract term.

Buyback agreement between dealership and customer becomes void and early termination process will be initiated along with applicable charges as per the terms and condition of retail finance contract. Customer can still exercise the option of selling the car to dealership at prevailing market value.

Tenure: 24, 36, 48 months. 60 months available for selected models with defined mileage options.

Mileage: 10k, 15k, 20k kms. 

Excess Mileage = (Actual Mileage at end of contract term – Contracted Mileage) X per KM excess mileage charge. Excess km charges are INR 20 per km.

It will be as per the applicable refinance interest rate at that point of time.

No, part-payment is not allowed under MINI 360˚ Plan, in case of any part-payment the contract needs to be restructured and the MINI 360˚ contract becomes null and void.

Interest Rates
Interest Rates